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Conversation with Miguel Ramirez Candidate for Assembly Seat A

I enjoyed my conversation with Miguel, he is running for Assembly seat A against David Guttenberg who is the incumbent, like the other two assembly races, it pits an incumbent that supported the hike on the tax cap, versus a challenger who opposed it, Miguel is the latter. Miguel served in the US Marine Corps and was stationed here fell in love with the state, and met his wife and the two have made Fairbanks their home after retiring out of the army. Like most of us he has watched the state of our country, state, and borough deteriorating over the last several years. The special election on May 7th to increase the tax cap that was the straw that broke the camel’s back that compelled Miguel to file the paperwork for his candidacy for borough assembly. Miguel supports small government, low taxes, and property rights, with a reform of the tax assessments that people have done on their homes, businesses, and charities. I think Miguel is one of the three candidates we need on the assembly to restore some balance to the assembly to have a more even approach to policy. Check out our chat and decide for yourself, if you like what you hear you can donate, volunteer, and contact Miguel at his website, Miguel is also active on Facebook a search of his name will pull up his accounts.

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The Vigilant Alaskan
The Vigilant Alaskan Podcast
This is an independent publication that issues news and opinion articles on political news in the city of Fairbanks and State of Alaska, as well as national and global topics that will impact the state and its residents.