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Conversation with Brad Keithley, Director of Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets

This was a great and very informative conversation with Brad Keithley, he is the director and founder of Alaskans for a Sustainable Budget, which is an organization that is focused on developing a budget that is balanced but also does so while minimizing the negative impact on the lowest income Alaskan families. He is a champion of developing a budget that minimizes PFD cuts which take from the poorest of Alaskan families while not affecting the top 25%, which now includes all of the members of the Alaskan legislature. This is something that all Alaskans should prioritize when choosing a candidate to vote for. I hope you enjoy our conversation and share it with all of your friends and family because it really is one of the most important issues for Alaskans, especially future Alaskans, our children as if we remain on this path, they will not have the chance to prosper that we all were privileged to have growing up in this great state.

Brads work can be found at

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His substack

and his weekly appearances on the Michael Dukes Show and his YouTube channel

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The Vigilant Alaskan
The Vigilant Alaskan Podcast
This is an independent publication that issues news and opinion articles on political news in the city of Fairbanks and State of Alaska, as well as national and global topics that will impact the state and its residents.